
Materials: glass and caustics

( Cliquez ici pour lire la version française )

This image was created with Cycles: the Blender‘s render engine.

This image was mainly created as a technical chalenge because Cycles isn’t for now optimised for calculating caustics.
Cycles isn’t yet optimised in this way and the rendering time is just unreasonable. For those who have already used this type of engine: the noise in caustic is very visible. Cycles will be optimized in the future to calculate more easily this kind of images but that does not seem to be a current priority for developers.


The licence of this image is:
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 License (BY-NC-SA).

The creation of this image has required an render farm (Render Street) to reduce the render time of caustics.

I have fully explained the process and the tests I done in these notes:

3 Responses to “Materials: glass and caustics”

  1. […] was made with Cycles by Olivier Vandecasteele (aka arketip). See his detailed post about the ability of Cycles to remove noise from […]

  2. […] a surface with a non-trivial roughness will blur out a reflection much like focal blur. Olivier Vandecasteele’s caustics test is a good example of this: the direct glossy pass should be left alone, the indirect diffuse needs […]

  3. oliver twist says:

    You ca do the noisy Image compo weithin blender’s compositor. Add image1 to image2… and so on, that Dividende trough the amount of Images You used. In example two Images divide them with two. Images should have diverent seed values for sure. ;) it an Old Trick i used to reduce noise.

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